Baijnath is situated in Bageshwar Uttarakhand State of India. It is an important yatra and tourist centre.
This historical yatra site is located in the Katyuri valley on the banks of the river Gomti. It was once believed to be the capital of the Katyuri dynastry.
Baijnath Temple ( 26 kms ) This ancient temple is situated on the banks of the river Gomti. The temple complex has 18 shrines built in the 8th , 9th and the 12th century. The temples are made of stone held together by a binder of ural dal.
The temple is dedicated to Lord Shiva and has statues of Lord Shiva's family i.e goddess Parvati and Lord Ganesha.
The Baijnath Museum located nearby is now home to some of the exquisite idols removed from the temples. They are now under the supervision of the Archaelogy Department of Uttarakhand. It is one of the must see places of Baijnath.
Kotkimai Temple ( 8 kms ) The beautiful temple is dedicated to Lord Vishnu.
Baijnath temple in Uttarakhand is a part of Kumaon tourism, and the local languages spoken are Kumaoni, Gadhwali and Hindi.
The best time to visit Baijnath Temple would be from May - June. Light woolens in summer and heavy woolens winter are advisable. The summer season extends from April to June. The winter season is from October to Febraury.
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